Newish News

I mean, I really should update this site once in a while.  Let’s see… back in 2019, by Audible Original novel, Junk came out. It’s narrated by Mr. John Waters, which was quite a thrill for me.  You can find it here.

And here’s an interview with Mr. Waters where he says nice things about me.

It was a NYTimes Notable.  If you haven’t done so already, please give it a listen and a five-star rating because you love it that much but also because, apparently, these things matter to the Amazon algorithm. 

So, that happened. Then there was a pandemic. To celebrate that, Audible was kind enough to ask for something Junk-adjacent (and pandemic adjacent as well.) You can find that novel, Jive, here

Sparks fans have, I hope, checked out Edgar Wright’s documentary, The Sparks Brothers. I played in the band for almost five years and there is so much information here that I never knew. And Flea, by the way, is a great interview.

And finally, Omnivore Records has just re-released all three Gleaming Spires albums with tons of bonus tracks – demos we did when we were still Bates Motel, songs from some questionable movies we were in, etc. The Spires albums all came out before the CD. And now that no one has a CD player, they are finally available. This is referred to by Spires fans as “Jack Rabbit Day luck.”

Here’s a link to the reissues, which are also streamable on all the usual platforms.

Some New Stuff

Oh hey, some updates.  Let’s see.  I won a BMI award for my song, Well Lighted Streets, which was the title song for my not so good TV show, Shut Eye.  The brilliant titles sequence is by the gifted George Byrne.
Check out more of his work here.
In other news, here’s a link to my new book of poems, Old Friends at a Party from Prolific Press.

Separate news…

In more news, look at all the nice things people are saying about Duarte. Look at them twice!


New album out

So – my album is now out, and available in all the usual places.  You can buy it.  You can listen for free.  If you choose to buy it, know that I’m giving any money from sales to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU – the places that need shoring up in a hurry.  Donald, if you’re reading this, I hope you hate my record.  Please Tweet nasty things about it

People who are not creeps are saying some nice things about the record, for which I am truly grateful.  I’ll be posting some links, as I hear that that’s what one does.

In other news – “Shut Eye,” the show that I created for Hulu, is out.  I recommend the title song – “Walk On Well Lighted Streets.”  It’s written and performed by me – so, Trivia chasers,  I believe that I am the only show-runner ever to write and perform a title song.  Kelsey Grammar wrote the song that he sings at the end of Frasier, and a fine song it is, but he didn’t create the show.  Johnny Carson cowrote the Tonight Show Theme, but again, not the same thing.  I’m very proud of the song – and George Byrne’s titles are amazing, as is all of his work.

“Streets” was produced by Marvin Etzioni – – as was my album.

More stories and stuff about me will be coming.  Thanks for dropping by.


Moved to Duarte

It’s coming.  My new album.  Moved to Duarte.  December 9th.  Everywhere.

I wrote another story. You can find it here. Is it about my new record, coming out in December? No. Should that stop you from reading it? Of course not.